Monday, March 31, 2008


It's hard to take a bad picture in such a beautiful house.
Info[50mm|ISO200|1/200th@f1.8|Natural light with slight flash balance]

Sunday, March 30, 2008

the classic Sears pose

It's not easy to shoot wide open with flash. It doesn't take much to blow out. Lighting distance is key, but that's detrimental to softness of said light.
Info[50mm|ISO200|1/200th@f3.5|Vivitar 285HV in umbrella, camera right. SB-28 far away on 1/64th camera left]

pre bal

Info[50mm|ISO200|1/200th@f1.8|Flash in shoot through umbrella, camera far left, natural light from windows behind me]

Friday, March 28, 2008

trash; the great divide

Info[50mm|ISO400|1/500th@f5|Available Light]

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Info[50mm|ISO400|1/4000@f2.8|available light]

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Info[70-300@300mm|ISO800|1/80th@f5.6|Available light]

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


My grandpa. Candid with 300mm, during an easter dinner conversation on nature vs nurture.
Info[70-300@300mm|ISO800|1/250th@f5.6|SB-28 in corner of the room, camera right]

Thursday, March 20, 2008

sorta high up

I'll be back home for the weekend, and since my laptop is out of order, there will be no new posts until Monday night.

Happy Easter to all.
Info[18-55@18mm|ISO400|1/500th@f11|Available Light]

Monday, March 17, 2008

Bus it

Inspired by a daily dose of imagery. Check it out, subscribe to the RSS feed. The super wide angle shots of cities have captivated me for quite a while.

I'd also like to thank my readers! We've past the 1000 mark! funny enough, I was the 1000th reader when I checked the blog from work (as my home IP doesn't count, but my work does.) A little anticlimactic, but still, I thank you for helping me get there! Next milestone; 2000?

Info[50mm|ISO400|1/1000th@f6.3|Available light]

Trouvai l'herreure

Info[50mm|ISO400|1/200th@f11|Natural Light]

Saturday, March 15, 2008

back with a pano

Clicky for a much bigger view (2mb)

I've been flaky lately. Busy, lazy, crazy.

But I went on a photowalk today, and I took quite a few shots, which should last me for a few posts.

Thank you for you patience.

Info[18-55@18mm|ISO200|1/500th@f11|Available Light]

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Sorry for the wait. I'm just slacking off a little. Feels good, really. I'll come back with more, though. Just gimme a few days.

So while I'm being boring, check out KDfoto. I'll let the blog speak for itself. I'm definitely adding it to my Bloglines.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008



Day 1: Cocoa dial.
Day 2: Good sounding stretched mammal.
Day 3: Catchy firestarter.
Day 4: Warm Zapato.
Day 5: Budem zdorovy.

Come on, now, people! I'll keep the 8x12 for myself, if I have to, but I'd rather give it away!

Macro Contest 5

Hint: Budem zdorovy.
Info[50mm+reversed50mm|ISO200|1/500th@f1.8/2.0|SB-28 in ceiling]

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Macro Contest 4

Don't forget you don't need to guess what I'm shooting as much as part of what it is. :) Either one will do.
Score is still ZERO across the board, so either the pictures are too abstract, you people are chicken, or I just don't have that many readers. ;-)
Info[50mm+Reverse50mm|ISO800|1/400th@f1.8/2.0|Vivitar285HV on ceiling]

Macro Contest 3

This one is much easier thant the two first ones. Thought I'd give you a break. :)
Info[50mm+Reversed50mm|ISO800|1/400th@f1.8/2.0|Vivitar 285HV bounced on wall/ceiling]