I'll be running 7 macro images in the next 7 days. Try and guess what the items I'm shooting are. First one to comment the right answer gets a point. Most points by the end of the 7 posts will get an 8x12 print of your choice from either the blog pics or my Flickr page. G'luck! Let's hope I have at least a few readers. ;)
Info[50mm+reverse50mm|ISO800|1/100th@f2.8/2.0|Vivitar 285HV bounced somewhere on the ceiling, and green desklamp]
damn.. I want a picture but I have no clue what it is :S
the only thing that comes to mind is a CD, but it's probably too obvious
Keep guessin'!
ce serait pas une roulette pour faire du montage vidéo (que tu branche dans l'ordinateur)? (faire avancer et reculer une scène, etc.)
Keep guessing! Good guess, though!
ressemble à une des pitons sur mon cell!
c'est effectivement le Spinning dial du LG Chocolate Spin! Congrats, whoever you are ;)
C'en était un difficile, celui-là.
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