Saturday, January 5, 2008

Garbage photography.

Cleaning up has its advantages. Not only does it prevent vermin from settling in, it also helps you find stuff you've lost a long time ago. But this post has nothing to do with those two, sorry. I had you there, for a moment...

One side effect of cleaning up is that you need to decide if things must be thrown away, recycled, given away, kept, or taken out in the backyard and burnt with a ritual. I was faced with such a decision about the box my eau de toilette came in. It was pretty, but didn't exactly serve a purpose. Or could it?

It presented a large transparent window and an immaculately white interior. Being an avid reader of both Strobist and DIY Photography, something clicked. All those tutorials on making home made softboxes and ring flashes came to mind. Plus, being lazy, it just made sense to save myself some trouble by using something pre-made. And there it was, the Adidas Moves softbox.

All I had to do was make a hole big enough to fit the head of the strobe in, and voilĂ . The light distribution is remarkably even, despite a slight falloff at the opposite end of the contraption. I plan to use the ultra shiny liner that came out of the box to fix some of that by reflecting the light that hits the end of the box (where it is pointless) towards the back, where it can be reflected back out the opening. (wow, a drawing might have done a better job)


So all this to present my picture of the day for Sat, January 5th, which was taken with the previously over explained gadget.


Info[18-55@46mm|ISO200|1/320th@f32|Single Strobe @full through homemade 8 inch softbox]

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